/ To the future
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Office address

6F - MD Complex - 68 Nguyen Co Thach Str. - Nam Tu Liem Dist - Ha Noi - Viet Nam

Information Enquiry

Looking for a quality and information for your next project?

* Please Fill Required Fields *


+84 (0) 2466862741

Working Hours

We are happy to meet you during our working hours. Please make an appointment.

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    Office address

    6F - MD Complex - 68 Nguyen Co Thach Str. - Nam Tu Liem Dist - Ha Noi - Viet Nam

    Information Enquiry

    Looking for a quality and information for your next project?

    * Please Fill Required Fields *


    +84 (0) 2466862741

    Working Hours

    We are happy to meet you during our working hours. Please make an appointment.


    We are committed to the following core principles:

    Shared responsibility

    We will communicate our shared responsibility expectations to our staff, customers and suppliers in the areas of health, safety, quality and environmental best practice.

    Honesty and accountability

    We will communicate, discuss and promote our environmental policies, objectives and performance openly and honestly with anyone who has an interest or involvled in our activities.

    Sustainable progress

    We will continually improve our performance by taking advantage of technical and scientific advances, and to drive our development of new policies and procedures.

    Demonstrable compliance

    We will comply with all relevant legislation, as well as developing and implementing our own standards, monitoring our performance, setting objectives for improvements and reporting on progress.


    We ensure our operations have as positive an environmental impact as possible and promote good environmental practice by adhering to high standards of both quality and safety and promoting responsible and sustainable methods of construction.


    We conduct our relationships with integrity and courtesy with the aim of building long-term associations with our customers and suppliers, and providing support for small, local, specialist businesses.


    We build relationships with our customers, suppliers and the communities we work in by encouraging our staff to consider the needs of others and involve themselves in public service.


    We respect our staff and provide ongoing development and training. We promote equality, ensure their welfare, health and safety and recognise individual contributions and reward them fairly. Our ultimate aim is the happiness of our staff through their worthwhile and satisfying employment in a successful business.

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